The Course
The SWOT course is a one-day practice OSCE course for candidates sitting the Primary FRCA OSCE. It is run in association with the PROPA (Peninsula Revision of Primary Anaesthesia) course allowing candidates thorough preparation for their Primary FRCA exam. The course is designed as a practice run for the OSCE exam and is a simulation of the real OSCE exam.
Candidates will get the most out of the day if they come fully prepared as they would for the real exam. This includes dressing and behaving like it’s the real thing. Candidates receive feedback and their marks at the end of the day.
Course format:
2 full OSCEs
Anatomy lecture
Hints and general tips lecture
The practise OSCEs take place in settings very similar the real OSCE. The stations comprise of: resuscitation, technical skills, anatomy, history-taking, physical examination, communication skills, anaesthetic equipment, monitoring equipment, measuring equipment, anaesthetic hazards, and radiology. One of the stations involves the use of a simulation.
There is a strong emphasis on anatomy on the SWOT course as many candidates feel that these are their weakest subjects. There is also a hints and tips lecture aimed at getting candidates maximal points.
Dress code:
We expect all candidates (and examiners) to dress and behave as they would on the day of the exam.
The course fees are £200. Payment will be requested on confirmation of place via email. Confirmation of payment will be sent after the course along with certificate. Please note this is a Category 1 funded course for Peninsula trainees.